
Performance Indicators

Round Rock 皇家华人 relies on timely and accurate data to evaluate performance, identify areas for improvement, and make decisions for change. Throughout the year, the Assessment & Accountability and Research & Evaluation Departments collect, analyze, and report data from a variety of sources for use by campus and district leaders.

A variety of performance indicators are compiled here for the convenience of our stakeholders. The Round Rock 皇家华人 link and each campus name below links to a folder has the most recent District or Campus Improvement Plan (CIP), State and Federal Accountability summaries, Texas Academic Performance Reports (TAPR), as well as the most recent climate survey results for staff, students, and parents. The District folder contains a few additional reports. The Performance Indicators Report Descriptions link provides more information.


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Elementary 皇家华人

Middle 皇家华人

High 皇家华人
